
Auto Grow

Using the Auto grow feature( min-height:400px;max-height:800px ) to make the Editor change its height based on the content. The Editor will now grow and shrink in height to match the content inside. It will never shrink smaller than the current height config option.

Automatic Editor Height Adjustment to Content.

Rich Text Editor is the industry-leading online html editor. It enables content contributors easily create and publish HTML anywhere: on the desktop and on mobile.

Rich Text Editor toolbar is completely configurable and it is also effortless to implement. You just need a couple lines of code to add this editor to web applications.

Demo Code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/richtexteditor/rte_theme_default.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/richtexteditor/rte.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='/richtexteditor/plugins/all_plugins.js'></script>

<div id="div_editor1" style="min-height:400px;max-height:800px">
	<h2>Automatic Editor Height Adjustment to Content. </h2>
					<img src="/uploads/j0262681.jpg" alt="" /></p>
				<p>Rich Text Editor is the industry-leading online html editor. It enables content contributors easily create and publish HTML anywhere: on the desktop and on mobile.</p>
					<img src="/uploads/PH02366J.jpg" alt="" /></p>
				<p>Rich Text Editor toolbar is completely configurable and it is also effortless to implement. You just need a couple lines of code to add this editor to web applications.</p>

	var editor1 = new RichTextEditor("#div_editor1", { editorResizeMode: "height" });